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For Days Such as These

Maintaining our Spiritual Health and demonstrating Christian Compassion as we live through the Covid-19 Pandemic

Example content image - aligned to the right
Example content image - aligned to the left With the onset of Covid-19 the life of every Canadian has taken on a new perspective. We are all now required to adjust our daily lives to embrace this new reality. These brief audio messages and personal meditation resources are presented by Dr. Bernhardt as part of Aberton Church’s effort to help us to equip ourselves physically and spiritually for living through these days. They are intended to help us to keep our faith firmly grounded in God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ. The plan going into the future is to post “For these Days” entries about twice a week.

Lenten Readings for the week of March 1st through March 6th.
Sermon text on Feb. 28th. - Luke 5:17-26
Relatd Reading from Christ's Ministry - Matthew 4:23-25
Relatd Reading from Christ's Ministry - Luke 5:12-16

Readings for Meditation - For the week of February 22nd. through 27th.
Ephesians 1:15-25
Colossians 3:12-17
Philippians 2:5-11

Readings related to our Worship Theme - For the week of Feb. 8th. through 13th. Deepening our Relationship with God - Reading 1
Deepening our Relationship with God - Reading 2
Deepening our Relationship with God - Reading 3

Readings related to our Worship Theme - For the week of Feb. 1st through 6th.
For the Living of our Lives - Reading 1
For the Living of our Lives - Reading 2
For the Living of our Lives - Reading 3

Readings related to our Worship Theme - for the week of Jan. 25th. through 30th.
The Story of Grace - Reading 1
The Story of Grace - Reading 2
The Story of Grace - Reading 3

Meditations reflecting the Presbytery's Call to Prayer
"Praying Through the Pandemic"     Posted: Jan. 18th.
"Prayer, Praise and Encouragement"   Posted: Jan. 20th.
"Praying for What's Best"    Posted: Jan. 22nd.

Meditation Resources for Advent, Christmas and New Years 2020-2021
Pre-Christmas Reading # 1 - Matthew 1:18-25
Pre-Christmas Reading # 2 - Luke 1:26-38
Pre-Christmas Reading # 3 - Luke 1:39-45
Pre-Christmas Reading # 4 - Luke 1:46-56
Pre-Christmas Reading # 5 - Luke 2:1-20
Holiday Reading # 6 - Concerning Christ
Holiday Reading # 7 - Concerning Christ
Holiday Reading # 8 - Concerning Christ
Holiday Reading # 9 - For the New Year
Holiday Reading # 10 - For Epiphany, January 6th., 2021
Holiday Reading # 11 - As we move forward in 2021.

"The Power of Memory"    Posted: Dec. 12th.
"Starting Your Own House Church"    Posted: Dec. 10th.
"Sustained by Love"     Posted: Dec. 8th.
"Sustained by Strength"     Posted: Dec. 5th.
"Sustained by Wisdom"     Posted: Dec. 3rd.
"Being Alone With God"      Posted: Dec. 1st.
"Finding Enough Hope to Go On"    Posted: Nov. 28th.
"Finding the Courage to Go On"     Posted: Nov.26th.
"Finding the Strength to Go On"    Posted: Nov.24th.
"Loving versus Liking"     Posted: Nov.21st./20
"Prudence is a Virtue"     Posted: Nov.17th/20
"Churches Have Birthdays Too"    Posted: Nov. 14th./20
"Off on a New Adventure"     Posted: Nov 12th./20
"A Symbol to Remember"    Posted: Nov. 10th./20
"Going the Extra Mile"     Posted: Nov. 7th./20
"Gratitude Invites Repetition"    Posted: Nov. 5th./20
"Regifting With Gratitude"    Posted: Nov. 3rd./20
"Together in Worship"     Posted: Oct.31st.
"Choosing Your Thoughts"    Posted: Oct.29th.
"Gone But Not Forgotten"     Posted: Oct.27th.
"The Future is not Ours to See"    - Posted: Oct. 24th.
"Compassion for Those in Distress"     Posted: October 22nd.
"Choosing Hope Rather than Despair"   - Posted October 20th.
"Gratitude and Sharing"     Posted: Oct.17th.
"Thanksgiving With Humility and Grace"   Posted: Oct.15th.
"In Praise of God's Gifts"    - Posted: Oct 13th.
"Learning by Living"     Posted: Oct.10th.
"Learning by Listening"    Posted: Oct.8th.
"Learning by Observing"    Posted: Oct.6th.
"Lifting Our Eyes Above the Numbers"    - Posted: Oct.3rd.
"This Race is a Marathon"     - Posted: Oct. 1st.
"No News is Good News"      Posted: Sept.29th.
"Thoughts Filled with Wonder"     Posted: Sept. 26th.
"Thinking About Success"     Posted: Sept. 24th.
"Thinking About Caring"     Posted: Sept. 22nd.
"Finding Time to Think"    Posted: Sept. 19th.
"Joining Forces for Good"     Posted: Sept. 17th.
"But there was No Answer"     Posted: Sept. 15th.